WHAT’S ON at Springwood Country Club
Continuously check this space, for all updates on exciting events that will be happening at the club.
Thursday & Friday Nights @ the Club
Heaps of fun to be had at the Club every Thursday and Friday night!
Raffle tickets on sale from 6:30pm and raffle drawn at 7:30pm
Booking is essential to avoid disappointment!
Come and Play Squash!
Did you know we have two squash courts available for hire?
Member discounts but visitors always welcome!
Active Kids Vouchers Accepted!
Competition Days
The Springwood Country Club has 5 different golfing competitions available for both Men and Women! Visitors always Welcome.
Blue Mountains Poker
Held every Wednesday night, registration from 7pm for a 7:30pm start. Why not come along and try your luck!
The Monday - Friday Golf Special
Springwood Country Club has this ultimate Monday to Friday Special
for only $70 you can get 2 players paid for, the full 18 holes of golf,
golf cart AND 2 drink vouchers worth $5 each!
What more could you want?